Countries With Cheapest Offshore Developers: Rates By Country

Countries With Cheapest Offshore Developers: Rates By Country

If you search anything about offshore software development on internet you can only find blogs and comments from people who provide outsourcing services from certain countries. Obviously, those people are biased because they need to sell their services. So I did my own research to find out which countries provide cheapest offshore developers? Cheapest developers…

Learn To Code Or Find Tech Co-founder
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Learn To Code Or Find Tech Co-founder

I’ve been around some startup meetups and one of the most common questions that everyone is asking around is how to find a technical co-founder. Since the ratio of non-technical and technical founders is significantly skewed towards non-technical folks, eventually founders ask another question: should I learn to code or find a true technical cofounder?…

What Is The Most Difficult In Offshore App Development

What Is The Most Difficult In Offshore App Development

If you are thinking about using an offshore development team to build the app you are probably wondering what is the most difficult thing when managing offshore app development? By far, the hardest problem is the communication gap. Other problems include time zone differences, cultural issues, lack of business context, and offshore team feeling alienated…